Reservations are closed!
Campsite B on the site is now available for reservation.
Camping B is right next to the hall. The ground is concrete.

Here is a list of Camping Sites in the neighbourhood. Camping at the location itself will be possible but
limited. First of all, these camping places will be reserved for the teams, if there are places left, it will be
communicated here.
You should contact following Camping Sites yourself to check the possibilities.
- Camping Wilhelm Tell : wilhelmtell@limburgcampings.be
- Camping Zavelbos : zavelbos@limburgcampings.be
- Camping De Binnenvaart : debinnenvaart@limburgcampings.be
- Camping Kempenheuvel : info@campingkempenheuvel.be
- Camping Kikmolen : info@kikmolen.be
- Camping Heidistrand : receptie@heidestrand.be